Dynamics AX 2012 Optimization – Product Configurator
Purpose: The purpose of this document is to illustrate how Product Configurator can be used in Dynamics AX 2012 to configure products and services. In this document the emphasis will be put on how to build rules base or constraints base for particular business scenario to ensure that valid combination of modeling variables values is selected.
Challenge: In Dynamics AX 2012 new Product Configurator was introduced which will ultimately replace Product Builder in the next release. Product Configurator is a new Configurator solution which leverages Solver Foundation engine. One of the reasons to introduce Product Configurator was to eliminate a need for Developer license in order to use Configurator capabilities of Dynamics AX 2012, so functional users will be able to use Configurator efficiently. The challenge is to understand how Product Configurator can be effectively used to implement real world rules-based and constraint-based configuration scenarios.
Solution: Example of start-to-end Car configuration using Product Configurator in Dynamics AX 2012 will be described in this document. We start with definition of the problem and its formalization, and then continue with translating this knowledge into Dynamics AX 2012 terms and setting up the system appropriately, and end with working solution and the result.
Configuration Model:
Modeling Variable Name | Modeling Variable Value(s) |
Type | "Sport Car", "Family Car" |
Package | "Deluxe", "Luxury", "Standard" |
Frame | "Convertible", "Hatchback", "Sedan" |
Engine | "A", "B" |
Transmission | "Manual", "HalfAutomatic", "Automatic" |
In this example Car is configured using 5 modeling variables such as Type, Package, Frame, Engine and Transmission. Each modeling variable has a set of possible values as depicted in the table above. The task is to build rules base or constraints base for Car configuration scenario to ensure that valid combination of modeling variables values is selected.
Configuration Model Diagram:
In the configuration process client initially is supposed to provide input regarding Type of Car which he/she needs and what Package will have to be included. After that other Car specifications will be determined such as Frame, Engine and Transmission based on Configuration rules.
For example, Client says: "I need Deluxe Sport Car" and the system will have to ensure that valid combination of Car specifications is selected as the result of configuration.
On the Configuration Model Diagram you can see that certain modeling variables drive the selection of other modeling variables. For example, Type of Car is used to determine Transmission. Please see the full list of Configuration rules which were composed with knowledge of business domain (Automotive industry in this example).
Configuration Rules:
Rule 1: IF Package = "Deluxe" AND Frame = "Convertible" THEN Engine = "A"
Rule 2: IF Package = "Deluxe" AND Frame = "Hatchback" THEN Engine = "B"
Rule 3: IF Package = "Standard" AND Frame = "Convertible" THEN Engine = "A"
Rule 4: IF Engine = "A" THEN Transmission = "Manual"
Rule 5: IF Engine = "B" THEN Transmission = "Automatic"
Rule 6: IF Type = "Sport Car" THEN Frame = "Convertible"
Rule 7: IF Type = "Family Car" THEN Frame = "Sedan"
Rule 8: IF Type = "Sport Car" THEN Transmission = "Manual"
Rules 1, 2 and 3 use Package and Frame to determine Engine. Rules 4 and 5 make decision about Transmission based on Engine. Rules 6 and 7 decide on Frame taking into account Type. And Rule 8 uses Type to determine Transmission.
Please note that certain modeling variable selection may be a result of different combinations of other modeling variables selections which is the case in complex business domains (such as Automotive industry).
Next step: We will define Product Configuration Model, Attributes and Attribute types, and design User Interface for Product Configuration Model in Dynamics AX 2012
Attribute types
Attribute Type Name | Base Type | Attribute Type Fixed List |
CarType | Text | "Sport Car", "Family Car" |
CarPackage | Text | "Deluxe", "Luxury", "Standard" |
CarFrame | Text | "Convertible", "Hatchback", "Sedan" |
CarEngine | Text | "A", "B" |
CarTransmission | Text | "Manual", "HalfAutomatic", "Automatic" |
Attribute Type = "CarType"
Attribute Type = "CarPackage"
Attribute Type = "CarFrame"
Attribute Type = "CarEngine"
Attribute Type = "CarTransmission"
Product Configuration Model
Attribute Name | Attribute Type |
Type | CarType |
Package | CarPackage |
Frame | CarFrame |
Engine | CarEngine |
Transmission | CarTransmission |
User interface
Attribute Group | Attribute Name |
Preferences | Type |
Preferences | Package |
Specifications | Frame |
Specifications | Engine |
Specifications | Transmission |
To better organize configuration process all modeling variables will be divided into 2 groups: Preferences and Specifications. Preferences will represent client's initial requirements regarding Type of Car and Package to be included. Specifications group will represent physical characteristics of Car such as Frame, Engine and Transmission which will be defined based on initial client's requirements.
Next step: We will implement 2 options to illustrate Rules-based and Constraints-based approach in order to structure knowledge base. Option 1 implements Rules-based approach and Option 2 implements Constraints-based approach.
Option 1: Constraints (Rules base)
Using Rules-based approach all Rules can be represented as Expression constraints in Dynamics AX 2012. Please see all Expression constraints in relation to the original rule below
Rule 1: IF Package = "Deluxe" AND Frame = "Convertible" THEN Engine = "A"
Rule 2: IF Package = "Deluxe" AND Frame = "Hatchback" THEN Engine = "B"
Rule 3: IF Package = "Standard" AND Frame = "Convertible" THEN Engine = "A"
Rule 4: IF Engine = "A" THEN Transmission = "Manual"
Rule 5: IF Engine = "B" THEN Transmission = "Automatic"
Rule 6: IF Type = "Sport Car" THEN Frame = "Convertible"
Rule 7: IF Type = "Family Car" THEN Frame = "Sedan"
Rule 8: IF Type = "Sport Car" THEN Transmission = "Manual"
Option 1: Result
Please note that when you just open Configuration screen and you don't have any particular selections for modeling variables yet, almost all selections for all modeling variables will be available
Type | Package | Frame | Engine | Transmission |
The exceptions are Frame = "Hatchback" and Transmission = "Half-automatic" which were filtered out because of lack of relevant rules.
However when you specify client's requirements "Deluxe Sport Car" the system will automatically filter out all inappropriate selections and the final result will look like the following
Please note that after you have selected Type = "Sport Car" and Package = "Deluxe" the only one selection for each modeling variable will remain available based on existing rules
Type | Package | Frame | Engine | Transmission |
Please note that every time you change selection for particular modeling variable the system sends current configuration to Solver for analysis and then adjusts selections for all related modeling variables in real time. Red circle is your indication that particular selection for modeling variable is not available within current configuration.
Also please note that using Rules-based approach the system implements deduction principle based on existing rules. For example, when you specify Transmission = "Manual" the system will know that Engine = "A" based on Rule 4
Rule 4: IF Engine = "A" THEN Transmission = "Manual" (forward chaining)
Type | Package | Frame | Engine | Transmission |
And vice versa when you specify Engine = "A" the system will know that Transmission = "Manual" based on Rule 4
Rule 4*: IF Transmission = "Manual" THEN Engine = "A" (backward chaining)
Type | Package | Frame | Engine | Transmission |
You can download XML file for Rules-based configuration (PC-AlexCar-Rules) here: https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=9c660ef56a3ba3f7&resid=9C660EF56A3BA3F7!110&parid=9C660EF56A3BA3F7!101&authkey=!ALJ3y9wD7_Ir8TE
Option 2: Table Constraints
In order to use Constraints-based approach we will have to represent Rules differently by grouping them into 4 groups. Rules 1, 2 and 3 will fall into 1st group which represents all valid combinations of Package, Frame and Engine. Rules 4 and 5 will form 2nd group which represents all valid combinations of Engine and Transmission. Rules 6 and 7 will be basis for 3rd group which represents all valid combinations of Type and Frame. And Rule 8 will represent 4th group with the only one valid combination of Type and Transmission defined at the moment.
Group 1: Package-Frame-Engine
Rule 1: IF Package = "Deluxe" AND Frame = "Convertible" THEN Engine = "A" Rule 2: IF Package = "Deluxe" AND Frame = "Hatchback" THEN Engine = "B" Rule 3: IF Package = "Standard" AND Frame = "Convertible" THEN Engine = "A" |
Please note that I substituted Rules 1, 2 and 3 with Group 1 Table representing all valid combinations of Package-Frame-Engine
Group 2: Engine-Transmission
Rule 4: IF Engine = "A" THEN Transmission = "Manual" Rule 5: IF Engine = "B" THEN Transmission = "Automatic" |
Please note that I substituted Rules 4 and 5 with Group 2 Table representing all valid combinations of Engine-Transmission
Group 3: Type-Frame
Rule 6: IF Type = "Sport Car" THEN Frame = "Convertible" Rule 7: IF Type = "Family Car" THEN Frame = "Sedan" |
Please note that I substituted Rules 6 and 7 with Group 3 Table representing all valid combinations of Type-Frame
Group 4: Type-Transmission
Rule 8: IF Type = "Sport Car" THEN Transmission = "Manual" |
Please note that I substituted Rule 8 with Group 4 Table representing valid combination of Type-Transmission
The difference between Rules-based approach and Constraints-based approach is that instead of expressing the rules in form of conditions and conclusions (Rules-based approach) I'm expressing relations between modeling variables and valid modeling variables value combinations (Constraints-based approach).
Using Constraints-based approach all Rules can be represented as Table constraints (User defined) in Dynamics AX 2012. Please see all Table constraints in relation to the original rules group below
Group1: PackageFrameEngine
Group2: Engine-Transmission
Group3: Type-Frame
Group4: Type-Transmission
Option 2: Constraints (Constraints base)
After we set up Table constraints we can link them to our Product Configuration Model
For all Product Configuration Model Table constraints we have to define the relation between Column name in the original Table constraint and Product Configuration Model Attribute name.
Group1: Package-Frame-Engine
Group2: Engine-Transmission
Group3: Type-Frame
Group4: Type-Transmission
Option 2: Result
Please note that when you just open Configuration screen you have particular selections for almost all modeling variables already in place, this is because the system took into account valid combinations of modeling variables specified in Table constraints. Moreover based on current Table constraints the only 2 combinations of 5 modeling variables are available. They are {Type = "Sport Car", Package = "Deluxe", Frame = "Convertible", Engine = "A", Transmission = "Manual"} and {Type = "Sport Car", Package = "Standard", Frame = "Convertible", Engine = "A", Transmission = "Manual"}.
Type | Package | Frame | Engine | Transmission |
Let's explain why the only 2 combinations of 5 modeling variables are available based on current Table constraints at the moment. In order to explain this I will get back to 4 groups defined earlier which represent knowledge base.
Group 1: Package-Frame-Engine
Package | Frame | Engine |
Deluxe | Convertible | A |
Deluxe | Hatchback | B |
Standard | Convertible | A |
Group 2: Engine-Transmission
Engine | Transmission |
A | Manual |
B | Automatic |
Group 3: Type-Frame
Type | Frame |
Sport Car | Convertible |
Family Car | Sedan |
Group 4: Type-Transmission
Type | Transmission |
Sport Car | Manual |
Please note that each Group represents valid combinations of modeling variables. Please also note that certain modeling variables are used multiple times in different groups which means that we can reduce number of groups by combining them together and making sure that selections of "shared" modeling variables in different groups will be the same as we add a combination into new "super" group.
Iteration 1: Combine Group 1 and Group 2 into Group 1-2 by "shared" modeling variable "Engine"
Group 1-2: Package-Frame-Engine-Transmission
Package | Frame | Engine | Transmission |
Deluxe | Convertible | A | Manual |
Deluxe | Hatchback | B | Automatic |
Standard | Convertible | A | Manual |
Iteration 2: Combine Group 1-2 and Group 3 into Group 1-2-3 by "shared" modeling variable "Frame"
Group 1-2-3: Package-Frame-Engine-Transmission-Type
Package | Frame | Engine | Transmission | Type |
Deluxe | Convertible | A | Manual | SportCar |
Standard | Convertible | A | Manual | SportCar |
Iteration 3: Combine Group 1-2-3 and Group 4 into Group 1-2-3-4 by "shared" modeling variables "Type" and "Transmission"
Group 1-2-3-4: Package-Frame-Engine-Transmission-Type
Package | Frame | Engine | Transmission | Type |
Deluxe | Convertible | A | Manual | SportCar |
Standard | Convertible | A | Manual | SportCar |
Group 1-2-3-4 Table represents all valid combinations of 5 modeling variables
As the result we have only 2 valid combinations of 5 modeling variables which is exactly what was available on Configuration screen
You can download XML file for Constraints-based configuration (PC-AlexCar-Constraints) here: https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=9c660ef56a3ba3f7&resid=9C660EF56A3BA3F7!110&parid=9C660EF56A3BA3F7!101&authkey=!ALJ3y9wD7_Ir8TE
Summary: Product Configurator is a very powerful solution which can be used in Dynamics AX 2012 for configuring products and services. Product Configurator allows you to implement Rules-based approach and Constraints-based approach for Product Configuration Models. In similar walkthrough I will also explain how Product Builder in Dynamics AX 2012 allows you to implement Rules-based approach and Constraints-based approach for Product Models.
Author: Alex Anikiev, PhD, MCP
Tags: Dynamics ERP, Dynamics AX 2012, Solver Foundation, Product Configurator, Rules-based Configurator, Constraints-based Configurator.
Note: This document is intended for information purposes only, presented as it is with no warranties from the author. This document may be updated with more content to better outline the concepts and describe the examples.
Reference: "Constraint-based knowledge representation for configuration systems" by Boi Faltings and Rainer Weigel
Hi... Thanks for your valuable post. But can you also let us know as how to use this configuration model for an item ?
ReplyDeleteGreat Explanation of Product configuration in AX with the help of example !